What is The Fiduciary Risk Rating™ (FRR™)?

ERS’s FRR is a revolutionary stock rating technology that accurately measures and rates the statistical probability, magnitude, and approximate timing of stock price declines.

The Fiduciary Risk Rating™ helps advisors reduce, avoid and prevent losses.

By Raymond M. Mullaney, CEO
May 2, 2024

Report Overview

Sample Size: The largest 2,500 US companies by market capitalization

The next 6 pages compare the performance of all 2,500 companies grouped by their respective Fiduciary Risk Ratings.

Stocks with an FRR rating of 0 to 25 had the highest average return of the 3 groups.
Stocks with an FRR rating of 75 to 100 had the lowest average return of the 3 groups.

Study Periods:

  1. 12/31/20 – 12/31/21 (1 year)
  2. 12/31/20 – 12/31/22 (2 years)
  3. 12/31/20 – 12/31/23 (3 years)
  4. 12/31/21 – 12/31/22 (1 year)
  5. 12/31/21 – 12/31/23 (2 years)
  6. 12/31/22 – 12/31/23 (1 year)

Appendix Overview

Sample Size: The largest 2,500 US companies by market capitalization

This appendix rigorously evaluates the protective efficacy of the Fiduciary Risk Rating.


1.The Fiduciary Risk Rating helps investment advisors to reduce, avoid and prevent losses.

2.In 5 out of 6 periods, stocks with an FRR rating of 0 to 25 had both the lowest percentage (probability) of losses and the lowest average loss of the 3 groups.

3.Stocks with an FRR rating of 75 to 100 had both the highest percentage (probability) of losses
and the highest average loss of the 3 groups.

Study Periods:

  1. 12/31/20 – 12/31/21 (1 year)
  2. 12/31/20 – 12/31/22 (2 years)
  3. 12/31/20 – 12/31/23 (3 years)
  4. 12/31/21 – 12/31/22 (1 year)
  5. 12/31/21 – 12/31/23 (2 years)
  6. 12/31/22 – 12/31/23 (1 year)

The studies on this website are provided for illustrative purposes only. Click here for a full disclosure statement.