What is The Fiduciary Risk Rating™ (FRR™)?
ERS’s FRR™ is a revolutionary stock rating technology that accurately measures and rates the statistical probability, magnitude, and approximate timing of stock price declines.
The Fiduciary Risk Rating™ helps advisors reduce, avoid and prevent losses.
Report Overview
Sample Size: The largest 2,500 US companies by market capitalization
The next 6 pages compare the performance of all 2,500 companies grouped by their respective Fiduciary Risk Ratings™.
Stocks with an FRR™ rating of 0 to 25 had the highest average return of the 3 groups.
Stocks with an FRR™ rating of 75 to 100 had the lowest average return of the 3 groups.
Study Periods:
- 12/31/20 – 12/31/21 (1 year)
- 12/31/20 – 12/31/22 (2 years)
- 12/31/20 – 12/31/23 (3 years)
- 12/31/21 – 12/31/22 (1 year)
- 12/31/21 – 12/31/23 (2 years)
- 12/31/22 – 12/31/23 (1 year)
Appendix Overview
Sample Size: The largest 2,500 US companies by market capitalization
This appendix rigorously evaluates the protective efficacy of the Fiduciary Risk Rating™.
1.The Fiduciary Risk Rating™ helps investment advisors to reduce, avoid and prevent losses.
2.In 5 out of 6 periods, stocks with an FRR™ rating of 0 to 25 had both the lowest percentage (probability) of losses and the lowest average loss of the 3 groups.
3.Stocks with an FRR™ rating of 75 to 100 had both the highest percentage (probability) of losses
and the highest average loss of the 3 groups.
Study Periods:
- 12/31/20 – 12/31/21 (1 year)
- 12/31/20 – 12/31/22 (2 years)
- 12/31/20 – 12/31/23 (3 years)
- 12/31/21 – 12/31/22 (1 year)
- 12/31/21 – 12/31/23 (2 years)
- 12/31/22 – 12/31/23 (1 year)
The studies on this website are provided for illustrative purposes only. Click here for a full disclosure statement.