At Equity Risk Sciences, we define “Excellence in Investing” as:
- Outperforming major market indexes over a full market cycle.
- Controlling net returns by using alternative strategies and tactics.
- Substantially outperforming the market during the worst market declines.
- Substantially outperforming the market during periods of market growth.
- Increasing the portfolio’s income without increasing volatility.
- Using leverage to increase potential returns.
- Shorting stocks to increase returns.
- Employing the right strategies to meet their clients’ goals.
The best doctors in the world take the sickest patients, those closest to death. And, on average, these rare but extraordinary doctors are known to achieve extraordinary life-extending outcomes for those near-death patients. They achieve results that are completely out of reach of average doctors.
Excellence wins in every profession! The best lawyers win more cases. The best athletes win more games. And the best chess players win more trophies. Success in investing, like in chess and many other endeavors, is highly dependent on reducing, avoiding and preventing losses. The tactics and strategies required to substantially reduce, avoid and prevent losses in the market are completely out of reach for average investment advisors. Countless studies have proven this.
Today, most investors are fine with paying high fees for average performance, but the market is going to become more competitive. When investors realize the returns average advisors provide are the same as or lower than the returns of the S&P 500 index, they may seek different advisors who can produce better returns. The most competitive and intelligent advisors use the most advanced technology to better protect their clients’ assets from serious losses and produce far greater profits as well. I strongly suspect that when investors discover these rare but extraordinary advisors who use the most advanced technology with the greatest probability of achieving superior results, they will switch to them in masses and leave their former, average advisors, who can only show the very poor results historically produced by common “Buy and Hold” strategies.
Intelligence, expertise, courage and determination are the qualities that distinguish excellent doctors from average doctors. These same qualities distinguish excellent investment advisors from average investment advisors.
Individuals are driven by great differences in their personalities. When a weak-willed individual takes on the role of investment advisor, they merely follow the crowd and obtain average, weak results. But when a fierce competitor realizes that excellent returns and capital preservation are achievable using advanced technology, nothing will stop him from acquiring that technology.
Equity Risk Sciences provides revolutionary technology to reduce losses and accelerate growth. This technology can drive your business and your career to wonderful new heights. If you’re a fierce competitor, call us.